I keep making cute little buddies but mostly as a gift to special people. This one is the most special by far as it was a present for my baby niece. Fortunately I had a brief so it was not hard. First was the design stage - trying different shapes and faces on paper before starting to cut the fabric.
I have chosen the fabrics appropriate for babies and made the design so there are not buttons, small detachable pieces or too many details. This is the toy with the most applique I ever made. It was a challenge - the pieces are so precise!
It was made for about 6 to 8 hours constant work so it is a personal accomplishment! But I think for a calm and precise work more time is better.
Really wanted to add some specific details like little paws and the dots instead of moustache!
Since it is a gift with a soul it deserves a name too. I personally like Mr Tiger but decided that it is not for me to say. So I added the little tag "HELLO, MY NAME IS.." so that little baby Nora can decide and whisper it to parents so they can name him. Or something like that..